Product Sourcing

VIRGIN FOREST ENERGY LIMITED is committed to the highest standards of quality control and quality assurance. Our product sourcing policy guarantees our clientele get petroleum products that would meet global and regional import/export specification. We perform independent lab tests on the product before the order is dispatched and further Q&Q tests (including bacteria culture) at the point of delivery to confirm that they have not picked up contaminants.

Our ever-expanding distribution network spans the entire country, as we not only supply directly, but also deploy a number of subsidiaries in a supply chain that ensures that our high-quality products reach our customers and clients in adequate quantities and on time.

In line with our stated mandate, as outlined in our operational charter at inception, we strive to complement the provision of our products with extremely courteous and sensitive customer service as well as client management, in our bid to enhance a positive perception of our business model among our customers and clients. We do this in order to retain their patronage and to cultivate the kind of reputation for reliability and engagement with our clients / customers that every 21st century company worth its salt needs in order to not only survive but to succeed in the short, medium and long term.

Our excellent feedback mechanism enables us not only to respond to the needs and concerns of our clients/customers in an effective, efficient and timely manner, but also to anticipate those needs and concerns well in advance.

We supply our stations and independent marketers via a fleet of tanker trucks with a variety of products, including:

  • –  Automotive Gas Oil
  • –  Dual Purpose Kerosene
  • –  Premium Motor Spirit
  • –  GasVIRGIN FOREST ENERGY is known for significant price and supply advantages made possible by our efficient and strategic alliances with relevant industry players.Our long-established marketing platform is the basis for our expansion plans, which include a wide network of VF-owned and franchised stations in various parts of Nigeria, as well as an expanded tanker truck fleet.